How quickly your website loads factors into your conversion rate, bounce rate, and search engine rankings. 

Studies show that after two seconds customers are impatient and may leave. A one-second delay can affect your conversion rate by 7%, customers are 13% more likely to immediately bounce from your site with every additional second, and all websites on page one in every major industry load within 3 seconds

Your website needs to be fast or you are losing sales. Check to see how well your site is doing by punching your URL into Google Page Speed here. The results probably aren’t great.

Here are some things you can do to make it faster.

Make sure the website is in production mode

bin/magento deploy:mode:set production

  • Optimize images
  • Use Next-Gen file format
  • Merge and Minify JS/CSS Files
  • Lazy-load images

Amasty offers a great page speed extension that will handle most of this for you.

There are a few other settings you can change to make improvements.

Regularly clean up the database logs 

Go to System => Configuration. On the left under Advanced click on System (Advanced = > System). Under System, you will see “Log Cleaning” option. Put your desired “Log Cleaning” option values and click Save. We suggest 3-7 days with shorter times for high traffic sites.

Implement caching

Caching should be turned on. You can do this from the command line or from the Magento admin with these steps:

Go to Stores > Settings Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Caching Settings > Cache User Defined Attributes to Yes

You can get more out of your Magento caching with extensions or by using a server caching tool like Redis or Varnish.