As a business owner, are you tired of bouncing around from marketer to marketer and not getting results? Do you dream of being able to just hand off your website and marketing and know it works? Our Nashville web design team understands this. We see it over and over again and know it’s frustrating.

Many marketing companies are focused on the wrong things. They focus on design, cutting-edge technology, or cute phrases that play on words instead of getting a clear message across. What makes a Nashville web design team different is that we focus on conversions first. That means we focus on the words used to sell the businesses product or service, then we focus on capturing those that aren’t ready to buy just yet. The secret sauce is a sales funnel that starts with a great lead generator.

What is a lead generator?

A lead generator is a valuable resource that your potential customers are willing to give up their email address in exchange for. This could come in the of a quiz, a download, a file, or otherwise. The key to a successful lead generator is the customer needs to find it valuable to download. They key to a successful sales funnel is the tool needs to be valuable to use. So our Nashville web design team wants to make it as valuable as possible.

Thinking about the title first is important. Getting more downloads starts with a great title that draws the customer in. When we sit down for a meeting to discuss the lead generator, we start by identifying a great title. Usually it’s one that addresses a problem the customer has. With each point, we direct it back to the problems the business solves with their product or service.

A great title will draw in more leads. Solving a problem or answering a question that those leads have is a great way to get more downloads. Getting the most downloads possible is the first mission of a successful lead generator. Remember that these are email addresses who could become potential customers down the road. So we want to get as many as possible. And we do that with a great title.

How does a lead generator work?

Unless you are using a quiz or something more advanced on the website, the lead generating tool will simply be a place where the customer can enter their name and email address. That will trigger an email where they can download the asset. Asking for a phone number or more customer information is doable but the more you ask for the less likely you are to get a lead.

A great way to capture more emails is a popup. At Nashville web design, we don’t particularly like popups because they are annoying and a bad experience on a mobile device, but they work. When we tell our customers to add a popup it usually requires some convincing to try it out. Like most people, businesses find popups annoying too and want to keep their customers in mind. This is understandable but hard to get around when a popup works some 30 times better than just a section on the website.

What goes into a lead generator?

At this point, you probably understand the reason why we want to use a lead generator. Capturing lost leads is a great way to get more customers and sales. It also reduces your advertising costs to acquire a customer. But now that you know how important it is, you may be wondering what do you put in it. Or more specifically yet, how much detail do you put into it? How much do we want to give away?

One phrase we use to summarize this answer is to give away all of the why and just enough of the how to understand the problem and solution. Depending on how complex your service or how strong your patents on your products are, you can give away more detail. For example, if it requires a 50 page e-book to tell someone how to do something and each of those steps presents a level of risk if not done right, no customer is going to do it themselves. And if they are willing to go through it, you have to ask if they are your ideal customer anyway because it sounds like they would be a headache to work with.

The more you give away the more valuable your business will be perceived. Generally there is no need to be scared of giving away too much because the lead simply won’t go through and execute on everything. They are looking for a solution to their problem and you’re giving away a tool or a how to.

Who needs a lead generator?

Considering a problem who gives away a video about how to change out a toilet flapper. This is really easy and if you’re saving the customer a hundred dollars, they are going to remember that. 

The video might tell the customer to turn off the water first and give an idea of three or four places the water shutoff might be located. There are potential problems with this, like the water shutoff being near the street and the lead might not have the right tool. Or the age of the toilet might lend itself to having bolts that won’t come off. Maybe the shutoff valve doesn’t work. A risk of water going everywhere, the likelihood of getting dirty with toilet water, towels being soaked with water, getting under the toilet to take off bolts, and a lack of two hours if you’ve never done it before might be enough to get the call.  Either way, you’ve helped a customer, got an email address, and how now you can continue to offer value with an automated email campaign. When the customer has another plumbing problem, they will remember who helped them or the name of the business that keeps popping up in their email offering VALUE (not just discount coupons) time and time again.

If you would like help getting more leads, we offer a lead generating and messaging session. Reach out to us and get a free consultation today.