About Second Harvest

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee opened its doors in 1978 with commitment from several community leaders. The purpose of the organization was to provide a central distribution center for companies, groups and individuals who wished to help provide food for hungry people in Middle Tennessee. Second Harvest’s mission is to feed hungry people and work to solve hunger issues in our community.

The Project

Second Harvest needed a beautiful new design with the ability to edit all of their pages, add events to a calendar that could filter appropriately, create categorized blog posts, use some of these blog posts to populate other pages and be able to import a spreadsheet full of data as well as manipulating or deleting individual records of that spreadsheet. The whole project was backed by a thorough reporting campaign.approved dosage by doctors healthy clients, and 5mg of older people and malnourished patients, along with those with renal system failure. The drug is recommended to be taken http://www.theirishmanwhiskey.com/tour/ right before going to bed.