• Magento Redesign


    Not every project needs to be a huge ordeal. Sometimes a little facelift can go a long way with increasing your professionalism and making your clients feel good about your brand. As Magento developers, we do a substantial amount of our work for advertising agencies, branding companies and other creatives who need development work. In […]

  • API for PDF Generation


    Recently I had the opportunity to work on a cool project for Performance Associates, a company who constructs character tests for companies and schools. The project requirement was a third party would send me data and I would need to place it into a PDF, specifically designed for multiple clients. I used Symfony2 to create […]

  • New Website Launch


    They say the shoe maker’s children have no shoes. I’m happy to say mine finally have shoes. I’m happy to launch the new website. Take a look around, see our new clients and then let’s get started on yours!recommended dose by doctors fit clients, and 5mg of the elderly and malnourished people, together with those with […]

  • Luke Bryan SlickText API


    SlickText API – PHP REST API I recently had the opportunity to work with Capital Records to create a one-month promotion for Luke Bryan’s new album. The concept was national sororities can send in a text message to a number and the sorority with the most votes has the opportunity to be selected for a […]

  • Frothy Monkey Coffeehouse – A Responsive Website


    I have a lot of meetings at the Frothy Monkey Coffeehouse. Its walking distance from my house. Local business projects probably excite me the most because the results are there in front of you. Since I’ve been in Nashville and doing web design, I’ve lived in the Belmont / 12th South neighborhood, so when I […]

  • Encore Bridal – A New Magento Website


    Launching a New Magento Store Going live with a new website always feels good but this one was exceptionally special. Encore Bridal is the first website I’ve launched for Proof Branding, a Nashville Design and Branding Company. After several months and inheriting a mess from the previous two developers this project started a good relationship […]

  • Daily’s


    About Daily’s Daily’s is a Nashvilled-based, locally owned and operated convenience store with over 90 locations. To emphasize the positives of local, Daily’s has partnered several companies like Coke, Nashville Shores, Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and Harley Davidson to offer flood relief, great promotions that benefit charities such as Our Kids and We Are Nashville. The […]

  • Updating the Permalinks – Fixing Your Social Sharing Count


    If you’ll remember, WordPress updated its permalink structure back around version 3 or 3.1. Prior to this a lot of folks were using the /%category%/%postname%/ structure. It was really slow and caused an excess amount of queries in order to generate the pages, so WordPress began pushing for the /%postname%/ structure. This morning I had […]

  • Best Warrior Competition


    New website launch! Best Warrior Competition is a competition of the National Guard’s toughest warriors. Five days in the grueling heat of Georgia with physical and mental fitness tests are only the beginning. I’ve recently had the privilege of helping the Guard out with this promotion. Take a look at some of the screen grabs and you’ll notice some […]

  • Knowing When to Use Magento Local.xml


    The Truth About Local.xml When I first began working with Magento, I began some heavy Googling and learned about controlling the Magento layout through the local.xml file. I read plenty of articles that you’ve probably seen out there on the web about how you can do all these magic things through this file. In fact, you can […]